About us
HONG-CHEM CO., LTD. locates in Liaoning, CHINA.
We make full use of local mineral resources and delveop products such as Wollastonite products, Magnesium Products. Products are used in Ceramic, Refractory, Building, Fertilizer, Feed additives and other industry fields.
From 2012, our company is representing and acting as exporter. After years of developing, our products have been well sold all over the world. And have firm business partners in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietanm, Thailand, Malaysia, American, Chile, Argentina and others countries.
Our company puts great attention on the quality. We believe that good service and quality assurance can build long term cooperation!
We will never stop our forward steps to do better!
We are honored to have your support in our development!
Your contact and visit is welcome at any time!